History of Services
Update February 2025: Please note that our business is closing at the end of this month. I am keeping this website active to offer blog posts from time to time and to maintain my archive of past projects.
From 1994 to 2024 PHC Consulting specialized in planning, managing, and evaluating projects and programs in primary health care and community health. We worked with health care organizations, professional nursing associations, and the voluntary sector on policy initiatives and health care improvement.
Nora Whyte has a solid track record of working with a diverse group of clients to strengthen their organizations and improve health service delivery. Her services focussed on community health program development grounded in her background in primary health care, community health nursing, global health, and public health. Nora is an adjunct professor, School of Nursing at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
Program Planning, Project Management, and Evaluation
- Working with teams in health organizations and the academic sector to prepare proposals and to plan new initiatives.
- Managing projects on behalf of organizations and coalitions.
- Monitoring and evaluating programs by conducting site visits, reviewing program/project objectives and activities, meeting with community groups and staff, applying evaluation frameworks, and writing reports.
Sample projects:
Developed an international partnership proposal for the Canada India Education Society to carry out a multi-year primary health care project in Punjab, India.
Served as project coordinator for British Columbia’s Northern Health Authority for a major program review of early childhood immunization services. Prepared final report: Improving Public Health Infant-Preschool Immunization Services in Northern Health: Process and Results of a Program Review. 2008.
Community Health Nursing Development
- Assisting organizations with recruitment, orientation and retention of community health nurses and nurse managers.
- Developing, adapting and applying tools that enhance nursing practice. In our work with First Nations health organizations, for instance, we have assisted nursing teams and managers to implement the Canadian Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice as a guiding framework for practice.
- Working with groups of community health nurses to plan and review their nursing programs.
- Assisting managers and staff to achieve and sustain quality practice environments.
Sample projects:
Served as an external consultant to the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council on Vancouver Island on various projects to support the Nursing Department; worked with the nursing leadership team on developing work plans and updating policies.
Worked with the Canada India Education Society to develop the role of community health nurses in a rural demonstration project, provided ongoing training, mentoring and consultation to staff and managers during the course of the project.
International Consultations
- Worked with nursing organizations on development of professional associations and special initiatives.
- Facilitating workshops, assisting committees in creating long-term project plans, meeting with university faculty members and students, and organizing exchange visits.
Sample projects:
Worked with the Japanese Nursing Association on a health policy project aimed at improving community health through public participation. Visited Japanese universities to conduct guest lectures and seminars; hosted visits by Japanese health professionals to Canada.
Served as a consultant/mentor for the Canadian Nurses Association’s partnership activities in Nepal and South Africa.
Selected Publications and Presentations
Chiu, P., Duncan, S., & Whyte, N. (2020). Charting a research agenda for the advancement of nursing organizations’ influence on health systems and policy. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 52(3), 185-193. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0844562120928794
Duncan, S. and Whyte, N. (2019). Launching a Global Inquiry into Nursing Organizations’ Points of Policy Influence: Key Questions. Poster presentation at the International Council of Nurses Congress. Singapore. June 2019.
Whyte, N.B. and S.M. Duncan. (2018). Canadian Provincial and Territorial Nursing Organizations. In M. McIntyre and C. McDonald (Eds.), Realities of Canadian Nursing: Professional, Practice and Power Issues (5th ed., pp. 128-139). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.
Whyte, N., Reece, B., and Fraser, J. (2015). Developing Nurse Leaders: An Important Role for Professional Nursing Associations. Paper presented at the International Council of Nurses 2015 Conference in Seoul, South Korea. Paper presented by Julie Fraser – June 2015.
Duncan, S, Fraser, J., and Whyte, N. (2013). From the Ground Up: Building a New Professional Nursing Association in British Columbia, Canada. Poster presentation at the 25th Congress of the International Council of Nurses. Melbourne Australia. May 2013.
Duncan, S., and Whyte, N. (2010). Global leadership priorities for Canadian nursing: A perspective on the ICN 24th Quadrennial Congress, Durban, South Africa. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership 23(1): 16-21.